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Compression Stockings | Caramel | mediven® angio
Unique medical compression stockings for special requirements. mediven angio is a medical compression stocking for the treatment of chronic venous diseases. Its unique product features were developed matching the requirements of patients with concomitant mild to moderate peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and / or diabetes mellitus.It provides effective compression therapy for the treatment of chronic venous diseases while taking care of the arterial situation as well as sensibility disorders especially in the foot and toe area (e.g. diabetic peripheral polyneuropathy).The safety of mediven angio in the treatment of venous diseases with concomitant PAD and / or diabetes is also proven by a clinical trial.Merino-plush padding in the entire foot from the toes up to above the ankle - to reduce pressure peaks and to avoid lesions at bony predilection points (e.g. ankle, metatarsal heads)Extra-long and flat seam clings to the toes and thus forms an anatomic tip shape for optimum pressure relief at the toes and their base jointsSolid ribbed structure with high longitudinal elongation – eases donning and doffingMicro-plush in the entire lower leg - from the toes up to the cuff for a high wearing comfortExtra-wide cuff ensures a secure hold and a large-area pressure distribution - avoiding constrictions90°-degree heel ensures an even distribution of the knitted fabric in the heel and instep areaTwo foot lengths available – for an optimum fit and additional toe reliefIntended purposeRound-knitted medical compression stocking used for compression of the lower extremities, mainly for the treatment of disorders of the venous system.IndicationsChronic venous diseases, stage I to III according to Widmer or C0s – C5 according to CEAPContraindicationsAdvanced peripheral arterial occlusive disease (if one of these parameters is present: ABPI < 0.5, ankle arterial pressure < 60 mmHg, toe pressure < 30 mmHg or TcPO2 < 20 mmHg on dorsum of foot)Decompensated heart failure (NYHA III + IV)Septic phlebitisPhlegmasia cerulea dolensParticular attention toSevere weeping dermatosis Intolerance to compressive material Severe paraesthesia in the limbs Advanced peripheral neuropathy (e.g. as seen in diabetes mellitus) Primary chronic polyarthritis

Compression Stockings | Caramel | mediven® angio

Colour: Caramel
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