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Elbow Orthosis PRU Immobilisation | medi Epico ROM®s
Elbow orthoses for mobilisation with immobilisation of the PRU joint medi Epico ROMs is an elbow brace. The product is exclusively to be used for the orthotic fitting of the elbow and only on intact skin.
Immobilisation of the elbow joint by fixation of the upper and lower arm
Joint movement is limited to 0°-120°  to guarantee ROM appropriate to the stage of rehabilitation
Prevention of movements that can cause luxation or subluxation
Prevention of pronation and supination movement due to hand rest
All indications in which an early functional mobilization with movement limitation of the elbow joint and immobilization of the proximal radius-ulnar joint is required, such as:
The surgical fixation of the medial and / or lateral collateral ligaments
The conservative treatment of elbow dislocations
The surgical treatment of elbow fractures
The surgical treatment of biceps or triceps ruptures
Treatment following insertion of a prothesis
Absolute contraindications:
Wound healing issues and wound
Skin issues when open wounds are
Concomitant neurological damage, e.g. ulnar nerve
Compartment syndrome
Relative contraindications:
Lymph drainage issues
An allergy to the materials / substances
Localized skin irritation

Elbow Orthosis PRU Immobilisation | medi Epico ROM®s

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    Shipping timing depends on the supplier.



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